Written by 8:19 am Snacks, Savouries


Our foodie family craves Christmas cake in summer and Onam snacks during winter. This crunchy snack – plantain pieces coated in jaggery – is like munching on  little pieces of sunshine.

Try cooking this one up – easy peasy.

Melt 250 grams of jaggery in a cup of hot water (buy powdered jaggery so you don’t have to bother melting and straining the lumps)

Put it on the fire and add a mix made by grinding 1/2 tsp cumin, 1 tsp ground dry ginger and 4 cardamoms. Stir well. Set aside.

Peel and chop 3 raw green plantains and drop the pieces into a bowl of water to get rid of the stickiness.

Fry these pieces in medium hot oil for 20 minutes and drain on paper towels.

Put these into the jaggery mixture and stir thoroughly. Add a tablespoon of rice flour and toss well. Each piece of plantain should be coated all over.

It’s ready to serve when the pieces are well dried and coated evenly.

By Linda Joseph Kavalackal,
Christ & Co. 

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