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Spiritual Warfare

Don’t walk into enemy fire unarmed. This is war, and you have a battle to fight.

Spiritual Warfare, written by Bishop George Bloomer, goes straight to the jugular of the enemy’s strategies.

Bishop George Bloomer knows the strategies and methods of the devil used against Christians. He is the pastor and founder of Bethel Family Worship Center, a multi-cultural ministry in Durham, North Carolina.

However the world might paint the situation, Satan does not battle us with flaming arrows and the quick stab of a pitchfork. He’s much wiser and much more cunning. He battles us using our own limitations, fears, and doubts.

He preys upon our guilt and finds ways to manipulate, dominate, and intimidate us, all in an attempt to separate us from Christ.

In this book, he offers a tactical guide to help you battle the enemy, drawing on the true Source of power that can enable you to do so. Read and learn…

  • How to silence Satan’s roar and quash his assault
  • How to find peace in the midst of your fear and doubt
  • Why it is foolish to be weighed down by guilt
  • Where Satan comes from and where he’s going
  • How others have found victory in the past

Spiritual Warfare is a book that guarantees to expose the forces of the enemy and eliminate his agenda in the lives of those who believe and receive.

Bishop Bloomer’s divine insight and lucid stratagems on defeating the enemy will impel readers to rise and fight the good fight of faith, war against the enemy, and intercept Satan’s weapons of destruction.

A book designed to impart and provoke positive reaction, Spiritual Warfare is the type of supernatural armament needed in the body of Christ to incapacitate Lucifer’s armed forces.

Rating: 8/10

By Christ & Co. 

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