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Staying Calm with technology


The post-Covid 19 era is an unprecedented one; it has not only changed the course of history but also changed how we live and behave.

The toll on people is both social and psychological.

Working from home, attending school online, virtually touring places – though handy, all these have brought their own share of stress and anxiety.

As a recent report points out, most professionals find it more stressful to work from home than from the office.

Insomnia, backache, restlessness, stress, anxiety and headaches are the side effects the professionals are facing post-Covid 19.

Though current circumstances are unavoidable, what’s the solution? One answer ironically, is again technology. While our smartphones have replaced all the old gadgets such as phones, calculators, cameras, televisions etc, they have also provided us with a means to manage anxiety, stress and to some extend, depression.

Let’s look at one of the popular health app ‘Calm’, that provides different interesting sections – Sleep, Meditate, Music, Breathing Exercise, Calm Masterclass, etc. Under Meditate guides you to control anxiety with insightful counselling from Tamara Levitt.

It trains you on different techniques to relieve restlessness, excessive thinking, and helps you to build up your confidence.

Calm’s Panic SOS option comes handy when you have a sudden panic attack. Deep Sleep Meditation, helps you sleep well and the soothing bedtime fiction and non-fiction stories help you fall into deep and natural sleep.

The healing sounds of the Sierra Nevada stream, piano music and natural sounds of heavy rain, summer breeze, forests, campfires, ocean waves etc will change your mood for the day. It also allows you to download each activity on the app for offline use. The app is recommended for those who are busy and have no time to visit meditation classes.

Though the app cannot be an alternative to medication and psychological counselling, it can help you to a certain extent to achieve mindfulness and gratitude.

The free version of the app comes with a few basic features and limited functionalities. The Premium version comes with a yearly subscription rate.

Though the cost could be cheaper, the app has an overall good rating on both Android and App store.

Rating 8/10

By Wasim Chougle

Wasim Chougle is a versatile and seasoned digital media professional with 17+ years experience in product development, strategy, marketing, technology and digital ad operations. His management skills are complemented by technical expertise and established background in news/classifieds portal management. He has worked with top media names across India and the UAE.

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