Written by 6:58 am Two to Mango

Stir-Fried Mushrooms

A quick and tasty stir fry is an easy solution for dinner. This is the recipe you want to have on hand for quick dinners, especially if you have a packet of mushrooms you need to use.

Clean and quarter 400 gms mushrooms.

Warm 2 tbs butter or olive oil in a wok. Add 3 heads of spring onions with 1 tsp chopped garlic and two green chillies.

Toss in the mushrooms. Sauté well.

Add 1/2 tsp crushed black pepper. Cook and toss on high flame until mushrooms are mushy. Add a dash of salt. Garnish with chopped cilantro.

Serve hot with bread or white rice.

By Christ & Co.

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