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Stolen Jesus figurine returned

A baby Jesus figure has been returned to a church after it was taken from a nativity scene, albeit slightly dirtier than before it was taken.

The life-size figure was part of a Christmas display outside St Mary’s Church in Church Green, Witney, Oxfordshire.

Revd Canon Toby Wright told the BBC, “Baby Jesus is safely back and tucked up – it’s great news for Christmas.”

He added the person who took the figure, which had been wired in to the crib, was unknown.

The straw-filled wooden crib outside the church  was found empty after a prayer service on 19 December.

Thames Valley Police said the figure was taken from the crib sometime on Monday night.

Police had appealed for help from residents in the town to return the figure to the church.

Revd Wright said the post from the force received a huge response and apart from needing a bath and new clothes “due to a bit of mud” the figure was “safe and sound”.

(Picture Courtesy: Thames Valley Police)

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