Tag: Art

Things to do during lockdown


How about finding some fruitful ways, to utilise the lockdown period? So much information is being passed around daily on the coronavirus...

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March towards true freedom


It was in 1947 that India regained her freedom. Year after year, we have celebrated Independence Day and Republic Day with much pomp and...

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Priests survive Beirut blast

In the News, Trending

The parish priest of St Maron AL-Bushriya Church in Lebanon, Fr Marwan Mouawad, recounts the moment a massive blast hit Beirut. Fr Marwan...

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In my ebony skin


My skin Is not a sin I live in it I wouldn’t move out even if I could I love my skin The colour of Mother Earth Glowing in the rays of...

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Recycling scrap into art

Amazine • One Comment

Everything is recycled in India, even dreams, said Shashi Tharoor. So true! We Indians recycle everything. I passed a trunk full of my...

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Resilience during a pandemic


What we are modelling for our children through this pandemic is how well to cope with pay cuts, job losses, loss of loved ones and a...

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