Tag: Believer

Using the Bible as a filter

Divine Reflections

In 2 Timothy 3:16, the apostle Paul says something about the purpose of the Bible: “All Scripture is inspired by God and useful for...

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Run away from sexual sin

Divine Reflections

We know that God does not listen to sinners, but He does listen to the one who worships Him and does His will (John 9:31) Many great...

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What makes a great father?

Divine Reflections

Though we’ve talked about our fathers before, we hope that you don’t mind us doing so again. When I talk about my father (and...

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How to really worship God?

Divine Reflections

What do the following have in common: watching reality shows; trying to eradicate stinkbugs; running as a third-party candidate; convincing...

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All is well; Christ still reigns

Divine Reflections

Hmm, a sigh escaped me as I penned down this inspired message. Never in my more than three decades of living have I witnessed this...

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Why trials are good for us

Divine Reflections

So your boss mounts a lot of pressure on you at work and you are wondering what on earth you have done to deserve that kind of superior....

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