Tag: Believer

Thank God for ALL things

Divine Reflections

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, thank you, that would suffice. ” ~Meister Eckhart This morning, I went to...

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Want to see more miracles?

Divine Reflections

It is surely true that a growing number of Christians worldwide are accepting that God works miracles today. In fact, I think it would...

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Easter does not end

Divine Reflections

“He abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel” (2 Tim 1:10). One day a man came to my room to share...

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Your words can bring victory

Divine Reflections

Dan Stratton, Pastor of Faith Exchange Fellowship in New York, states in his book, Divine ProVision: Positioning God’s Kings for...

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Stay positive in God

Divine Reflections

There are times in our lives when we go through negative experiences. Some may call it trials, some call it temptations, however it is...

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Bringing a loved one to God

Divine Reflections

Have you ever struggled with abject despair that a person close to you, maybe a family member, is turning away from God? What can you do in...

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