Tag: believers

Prayer for soldiers

Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Heavenly Father, We come to You and we stand in agreement with our soldiers and we ask You for Your continued protection of Your Mighty...

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Jeremiah 20:7-18

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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Romans 8

Scripture Today

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Micah 6

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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A pregnant mother’s prayer

Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Dear God, I bring the little baby that is forming within me to You Lord and pray that You would be with me every step of the way. Lord...

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Prayer against debt

Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Heavenly Father, I am grateful to you for guiding and being with me in every hard time. I made many financial decisions I am ashamed of....

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1 Thessalonians 4

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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