Tag: Bible

Value your relationships

Divine Reflections

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35. Recently I attended a...

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Dealing with alcoholism

Need Counselling? • 2 Comments

My dad is an alcoholic as was my grandfather. My siblings and I grew up disgusted with him, seeing our mum hurt. He is a churchgoing man, a...

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Psalm 71

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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Power of your spoken word

Divine Reflections • 7 Comments

The miracle is on our tongues. The Word is close to you. It’s in your heart. It is in your confession of it – aloud. The Word...

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5 apps that deliver food

What we reviewed

Has cooking food been a concern for you this season?  Or worst still deciding on a menu and getting the right supplies? That is where the...

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Matthew 5:3-16

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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