Tag: breaking news

Catholic churches burnt down

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Ten Catholic churches in the Canadian State of Alberta have been burnt down in attacks that police have linked to the discovery of unmarked...

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India marks first Christian Day

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Christians from all Churches in India celebrate  ‘Indian Christian Day’ (Yeshu Bhakti Divas) for the first time, on July 3. The event,...

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Street preacher wins claim

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A Christian street preacher has won a claim against West Yorkshire Police for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and breach of human...

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Pope praises Benedict XVI

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Pope Francis offered an affectionate, public thank you to Benedict XVI, whose retirement from the papacy in 2013 shocked the Roman Catholic...

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Pope Francis meets Spider-Man

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Pope Francis shared the limelight with a member of the public dressed as Spider-Man during a gathering at the Vatican....

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11 injured in church bus crash

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Authorities say a church bus collided with another vehicle in Tennessee, sending at least 11 people to the hospital. All of the 11 injured...

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