Tag: Character

Three lies singles believe

Divine Reflections

Experience they say is the best teacher. How true! The experiences we go through in life afford us ample opportunity to learn, improve and...

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Fertilise your marriage

Divine Reflections

Since creation, our Creator had introduced division of labour into the system of running the universe. He has his own roles to play and He...

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Jesus heals like no other

Divine Reflections • 2 Comments

Our God is a God who grants healing. It is said in the Bible that to heal is the very nature of God. The bible stands over all other texts...

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Let Jesus make you new

Divine Reflections

Jesse did not think he was much of a speaker. He stuttered a lot since he was a child, especially when he was nervous. This was something...

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Where is your joy?

Divine Reflections

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart”(Psalm 37:4). The important yardstick which decides our...

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Go beyond the box of caring

Divine Reflections

I feel the love of God wanting so much to break through in our understandings, to go beyond, break through the everyday box of what we...

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