Tag: Christ & Co

Our top 5 Christmas movies

What we reviewed

Christmas is our favourite festival and the most favourite time of the year. There is magic in the air. Feelings of love and care....

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Are you fulfilling God’s vision?

Divine Reflections • 4 Comments

How old are you? Your godly vision, dream or divine purpose in life is that God-designed, glorious future exclusively for you. It is the...

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Covid positive woman gives birth in ambulance

In the News

Paramedical staff of emergency service 108 helped a woman deliver her baby in an ambulance in India’s southern state, Kerala. The...

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Beef Vindaloo 

Main Course

Tangy, fiery red and delicious! Another wipe-the-plate-clean favourite of families, especially on weekends. The original...

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Pro-lifer wins payout, apology

In the News

A Catholic pro-life midwifery student, who faced suspension from midwifery studies and a fitness-to-practise investigation, has won an...

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How God saved my marriage…

Divine Reflections

It all started with a tape measure. Without as much as a hello, my husband hurried into the house in the middle of his workday and jogged...

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