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Christ The King Angels

Prayer for strained relations

Father God, We praise You for Jesus’ example on this earth. We know that You are purposeful in the plan…

4 years ago

Monday Reflection – May 3

To quote Francis De Sales - to be an angel in prayer and a beast in one's relations with people…

4 years ago

Monday Reflection – April 5

Another Lent (Leave Every Negative Thing) is over. And we are back to real life. One of the hardest things…

4 years ago

Resurrection Sunday Prayer

Father God and Lord of Life, You who call forth from the darkness of death all those who love You,…

4 years ago

Holy Week Prayers

Almighty Father, You sent Your only Son Jesus Christ to save us from our sin, show me how I can…

4 years ago

Monday Reflection – March 29

Zacchaeus means 'innocent and pure'. Only Jesus would gladly call a corrupt tax collector by that name, invite Himself into…

4 years ago

Prayer for our friends

Dear Abba Father, Thank You for giving me such a vibrant community of friends to share my life with. I…

4 years ago

Monday Reflection – March 22

As a toddler, I was taught to put a rosary under my pillow. Later, a pocket Bible or a Crucifix.…

4 years ago

Monday Reflection – March 15

Satan - the chief deceiver - lies to God about you, to you about God, to you about yourself and…

4 years ago

Women’s Day Reflection

A woman’s heart should be the most beautiful part of her. Be the bestest version of who God created you…

4 years ago

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