Tag: Christ The King

Monday Reflection – June 10

Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

It’s easy to quote scripture, repeat christian sayings and to pray – when things are going right. Then life throws you a...

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Monday Reflection – June 3

Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Would you change a lot if you knew you were facing death today? Would your attitude change? Would you accept JESUS, love better, forgive...

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Monday Reflection – May 20

Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

It pays to have a heart check up done – an in-depth look at your inner mind, not just a routine physical examination. Often, many of...

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Monday Reflection – May 13

Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

All of us have those days – when life throws incredible challenges at us. When you age a few years within moments. Death, sickness,...

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Monday Reflection – April 29

Spiritual Warfare

There are people in our lives who we love unconditionally. Some can never do wrong in our eyes and even if they do, we are quick to forgive...

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Monday Reflection – April 22

Spiritual Warfare

Most people today seem to be living with the thought, “What’s going to go wrong next?” How often have we wounded ourselves by...

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