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Pastor jailed over Covid lapse

A trial date has been set for a jailed Alberta pastor who is accused of holding Sunday services that violated…

4 years ago

Bringing a loved one to God

Have you ever struggled with abject despair that a person close to you, maybe a family member, is turning away…

4 years ago

Seventy times seven

“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not…

4 years ago

Churmosquagogue for 3 faiths

A new facility in Germany will seek to promote unity among communities of faith by offering a space where Christians, Muslims and Jews can all…

4 years ago

An intercessory prayer

Abba Father, I acknowledge You as _______’s provider. Thank You for providing all ______ needs to live in peace and…

4 years ago

Bells ring for 500K Covid victims

The Washington National Cathedral has tolled its bell 500 times in honour of the 500,000 Americans lost to the Covid-19 virus.…

4 years ago

Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff or Stroganov is a Russian dish of sautéed golden seared juicy beef strips smothered in an incredible sour…

4 years ago

Get the best out of your iPhone

Many people have iPhones these days, but few really know the secrets to mastering it. You aren't the only one…

4 years ago

Monday Reflection – Feb 22

Some classic lines that parents tell children: "I am saying this for your own good. I don't want you to…

4 years ago

Onion Bhajis

Come rainy season or fasting season, this is our favourite tea time indulgence. Onion bhajis are superb additions as starters…

4 years ago

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