Tag: christandco

Biblical royal fabric found

In the News

Scientists have discovered rare evidence of fabric dyed with royal purple dating from the time of King David and King Solomon. While...

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Dealing with period cramps


Menstruation is a normal monthly process, but extreme pain during periods that disrupt your daily routine – requires help. Many women...

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2 Peter 3

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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Prayer against sexual sin

Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Your blessed name. In Your power, You know all those who earnestly want to be delivered from captivity of...

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Lemon Tart


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Why am I still here?

Divine Reflections

A caregivers’ ears hear many things. No one’s life is ever free of difficulties of some sort and each life has a path and a purpose...

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Mystery monolith at church

In the News

A mysterious monolith has been erected outside a Birmingham church, prompting speculation about where it came from. The tall, slender totem...

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