Tag: christandco

Police payout for preacher

In the News

A street preacher has won compensation from Dorset Police for being manhandled and unlawfully prevented from preaching from his truck. The...

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Teen raped on church grounds

In the News

A 17-year-old girl has been raped on the grounds of a church in Edinburgh, Scotland. Police have begun investigations. The teenager was...

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Malabar Mutton Curry

Main Course

In the Middle East, Muslim friends and their mums stuffed us with mouthwatering meat dishes.  This is our version of the delicious Mutton...

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Couple create AI smart crib


As every new parent knows, sleep can go out the window after the arrival of a newborn. That was certainly the case for new parents Radhika...

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Cross torn off UK church

In the News

A man has been charged with ‘causing racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage’, after a cross was torn off the roof...

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Prayer for angelic protection

Spiritual Warfare • 4 Comments

Dear Heavenly Father, You know what our family/prayer team has been up against.  Thank you for the wisdom and strength to fight it. We are...

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