Tag: christandco

Supreme Court expands death row religious rights

In the News

A death row inmate has been granted the right for his pastor or priest to lay hands on him and pray for him, during his execution. The US...

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Radish Curry

Main Course

With its pungent odour and peppery taste, Radishes are not exactly the most popular vegetables around, but they are one of the healthiest....

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Power Encounters

What we reviewed

Miracles, signs and wonders can be a normal part of your everyday life. Power Encounters is about that and more. The book is spiritually...

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Run to save lives


“Your daughter has a rare disease. In fact it is so rare that no one else in this country has this disease.” He heard the grim words...

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Prayer for the apostates

Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the ones who have left Your fold by wilful choice. Lord, we pray for our loved ones who do not want to...

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Putin quotes Bible, defends war

In the News

In a speech at a packed Moscow stadium, Russian President Vladimir shocked the world by quoting the Bible  to justify his invasion of...

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