Tag: christandcoforever Gratitude

Monday Reflection – April 18

Spiritual Warfare

It’s easy to preach religion than to practise it. Few of us would be interested to listen to a harsh, double faced, callous, rude,...

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Monday Reflection – April 11

Spiritual Warfare

The world is too worried about what offends someone. First think about what offends GOD. You and I do – daily. You LIVE Jesus best...

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Monday Reflection – March 28

Spiritual Warfare

The Bible warns about members of the SAME family fighting each other. Look around you – it’s happening in your own home, your...

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Monday Reflection – March 21

Spiritual Warfare

If you have reached your midnight, that means dawn is not far away! Most of us want a sign – bright sunshine, birds chirping and...

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Monday Reflection – March 7

Spiritual Warfare

Sometimes God has to keep us desperate – to truly want HIM. The Israelites had this happen to them over and over in the Old...

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Monday Reflection – Feb 28

Spiritual Warfare

To those who are wondering ‘why is this happening to me’? ‘I have been a good human being’ etc. You may be in a season of pruning....

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