Tag: christandcoforever

Why is there suffering?

Divine Reflections

A mother was asking God where He was when her son died. She came to see that God’s Son died too. God suffers too – He...

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Daisy Lemon Tarts

Snacks, Savouries

We love sunshine, lemon and yellow flowers. This one combines all three. Perfect for a summer tea. Perfect for all the ones who bring...

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Make travel easy for seniors


Each year, millions of seniors travel on our roads and airways. While many people find traveling somewhat inconvenient, for seniors with...

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The Da Vinci Code

What we reviewed

Every one still talks about it, Tom Hanks starred in its movie version and many are still criticising it. Thriller-buffs beg, borrow or...

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Saving Luke the KooK

Editor’s Notes • One Comment

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Binding evil spirits

Spiritual Warfare • 6 Comments

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I stand with the power of the Lord God Almighty to bind Satan and all his evil spirits,...

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£1 ouija boards sold in UK shops

In the News

UK’s budget store Poundland has come under fire for selling £1 ouija boards or so called ‘Spirit Boards’. The board...

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