Tag: christandcoforever

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes

Snacks, Savouries

Apparently it’s tradition to make these Shrove Tuesday pancakes with unleavened flour, during the Lenten week. This one is easy,...

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90,000 saved from abortion

In the News

The Prestonwood Pregnancy Center in Dallas, Texas is celebrating saving 90,000 babies from abortion. The centre is strategically placed...

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Three lies singles believe

Divine Reflections

Experience they say is the best teacher. How true! The experiences we go through in life afford us ample opportunity to learn, improve and...

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John 15

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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117-year-old nun beats Covid

In the News

Europe’s oldest person, blind French nun Sister Andre, has survived Covid-19 and marked her 117th birthday this week, her caregivers...

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Best wedding entertainment


So the church is booked, you have ordered the dress and the big day is on the calendar! What next? Have you given much thought to your...

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