Tag: cinema

Man fired for attending church

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An employee in Florida who negotiated his work schedule around going to church was fired after he failed to show up for a Sunday shift,...

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Church to suspend unjabbed priests

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The head of Cyprus’ Orthodox Christian Church has said that he will suspend a dozen priests from his diocese because they refused to heed...

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Three fast ways to lose weight


When you think “man I gotta find some fast ways to lose weight” you are not alone. The problem of weight loss is ongoing for a...

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Christians attacked in Bethlehem

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Two Christian men in Bethlehem have been brutally attacked by a gang. Daoud and Daher are part of the Nassar family which owns the Tent of...

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Vatican’s space for female priests

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The Vatican has given space on its website to a Catholic group that demands the ordination of women priests during consultations ahead of a...

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100-hour Bible Marathon

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The Holy Bible will be read cover to cover without pause publicly in the Square of St. Martinville St. Martinville in the Diocese of...

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