Tag: cinema

Bhutan’s sole Catholic priest

In the News

Father Joseph Kinley Tshering is the first and only native Catholic priest in Bhutan. A meeting with Mother Teresa of Kolkata kindled a...

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Things to do during lockdown


How about finding some fruitful ways, to utilise the lockdown period? So much information is being passed around daily on the coronavirus...

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March towards true freedom


It was in 1947 that India regained her freedom. Year after year, we have celebrated Independence Day and Republic Day with much pomp and...

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Jesus Inspires Initiative

In the News

It was 25 years ago, after a beautiful encounter with Christ at a teenagers’ camp that I decided to ask God, “What would You really...

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The joy of re-reading classics

What we reviewed

Most of us – at least those of us who are keen on reading – are often ‘forced’ to go through abridged versions of classic...

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In my ebony skin


My skin Is not a sin I live in it I wouldn’t move out even if I could I love my skin The colour of Mother Earth Glowing in the rays of...

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