Tag: cinema

Staying Calm with technology

What we reviewed

The post-Covid 19 era is an unprecedented one; it has not only changed the course of history but also changed how we live and behave. The...

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Gym coach builds floodgate

In the News

Hear ‘fitness instructor’ and you picture someone who hammers you into doing 100 push ups. But Kerala-based fitness instructor Krishna...

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What defines serious dating?

Amazine • One Comment

People understand serious relationships differently. Some of them imagine dating in a restaurant or a stroll in the countryside. Others...

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Growing plants without soil


Why would a 47-year-old alumnus of a prestigious management institute quit his full-time job to cultivate plants? After leading a corporate...

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Aren’t we equal before God?

Editor’s Notes

It has often been said, derisively of course, that America was built on slavery and that the White Man who appropriated the land from the...

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How to raise a truly wise child?


I do not think Wordsworth took a psychology course when he stated that, “The child of today is the man of tomorrow”; it was mere...

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