Tag: Covid

Mass baptism on Pentecost Sunday

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More than 4,000 people were baptised this past weekend on Pentecost Sunday, at a California beach. This public baptism was organised by...

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Pastor’s children die in train collision

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Two young daughters of US pastor were killed when a train barrelled into their father’s pick-up truck – pushing it along for thousands...

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Christian banned from teaching

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A Christian teacher has been banned from his job for not using trans pronouns and “misgendering” a pupil. The case is believed to be...

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Luxury hotel near St. Peter’s Basilica

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The Catholic Church’s Order of the Holy Sepulchre has signed a deal with Bill Gates, once the world’s-richest-man, allowing a Four...

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Two popes meet in Vatican

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The Vatican on Wednesday witnessed two popes share the limelight in St Peter’s Square – Pope Francis and His Holiness Pope...

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61 percent of Americans pray

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Majority of Americans pray and those that do, pray for nearly 20 minutes a day, according to a new survey. The poll was conducted by City...

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