Tag: daily prayer

Monday Reflection – March 11

Spiritual Warfare

Joy is promised for every morning. Don’t bypass it because of your worry.  There is no end to the worries the human mind can...

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Monday Reflection – March 4

Spiritual Warfare

To know JESUS is to praise Him. If God has given you so many years, use the remaining to just thank and praise Him. Praise is not just...

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Monday Reflection – Feb 12

Spiritual Warfare

Very often, things, situations, people get tougher to live with when you begin to pray over them. You know why things get bad and people...

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Monday Reflection – Feb 5

Spiritual Warfare

When you are in pain or struggling, the last thing you’d probably recollect is how blessed you have been and you still are. But HE...

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Monday Reflection – Jan 22

Spiritual Warfare

Don’t wait to learn to fight when you are in the fire.  Learn to fight much before you enter the battlefield and please know who your...

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Monday Reflection – Jan 15

Spiritual Warfare

Pride and the ‘ME’ thought was the first sin – it turned an angel into the devil. Lucifer foolishly became ‘self-sufficient’...

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