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Revival preacher R.W. Schambach has seen the Lord move in amazing and powerful ways for 50 years. In this brilliant…

3 years ago

Power Encounters

Miracles, signs and wonders can be a normal part of your everyday life. Power Encounters is about that and more.…

3 years ago

Prayer for the apostates

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the ones who have left Your fold by wilful choice. Lord, we pray…

3 years ago

90 Minutes in Heaven

On January 18th, 1989, Don Piper died in an accident. His car had been crushed by a semitruck that crossed…

3 years ago

The Power of the Blood

You know that "there's power in the blood," just like the old hymn says--but are you actually experiencing that power…

3 years ago

The Resolution for Women

With everything you have to do, have you taken the time to decide who you want to be? Written in…

3 years ago

A Better Way to Pray

After nearly four decades of ministry, author Pastor Andrew Wommack has discovered some important truths about prayer. His prayer life…

3 years ago

Praying for Your Unborn Child

What might happen if pregnant mothers and expectant fathers learned to pray for their baby - even before its birth?…

3 years ago

Psalm 98

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua…

3 years ago

Angels of Humility

The book has guardian angels, prayer warriors. pastors both going against and seeking the will of God, struggling Christians, prisoners…

3 years ago

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