Tag: Editorial

Clear that log jam

Divine Reflections

I am a fixer. I turn to God as a last resort. Even when I prayed about something I took it back and tried to keep fixing it. Then I whined....

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Man stabs children in park

In the News

Four small children and two adults were injured Thursday when a knife-wielding man attacked them in a playground in a park in the French...

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Man desecrates papal altar

In the News

A special purification rite has been held at the main altar of St Peter’s Basilica after it was desecrated by a man who stood on it...

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Trains collide in India’s Odisha

In the News

At least 261 people were killed and more than 1000 were injured in a horrific three-train collision in India’s eastern Odisha state....

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Scorsese to make Jesus movie

In the News

Hollywood legend Martin Scorsese met Pope Francis over the weekend and said he is inspired to make a film about Jesus. According...

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Mass baptism on Pentecost Sunday

In the News

More than 4,000 people were baptised this past weekend on Pentecost Sunday, at a California beach. This public baptism was organised by...

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