Tag: Editorial

Why pleas remain unanswered

Divine Reflections

Before the Passover meal, Jesus came to know that it was time for Him to leave this world and go and be with His Father. Having loved His...

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Police payout for preacher

In the News

A street preacher has won compensation from Dorset Police for being manhandled and unlawfully prevented from preaching from his truck. The...

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My experiments with maths

Editor’s Notes

I have always spelt Math, H-A-T-E. Let’s face it – mathematics is a subject that arouses extreme feelings in the bosom of a student....

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Couple create AI smart crib


As every new parent knows, sleep can go out the window after the arrival of a newborn. That was certainly the case for new parents Radhika...

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Pope backs gay ‘civil unions’

In the News

Pope Francis became the first pontiff to endorse same-sex ‘civil unions’ (as an alternative to same-sex marriages) in comments...

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Friends today, foes tomorrow?

Divine Reflections

People’s hearts are filled by the common enemy of mankind – the devil, at different times, stages or levels and for various...

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