Tag: education

How to fall asleep faster


We’ve all been there – those nights where you toss and turn, staring at the clock, every minute seeming impossibly slow. Not being...

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Mystery illness baffles India

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One person has died and more than 450 have been hospitalised with a mystery illness in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Patients in the...

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UK begins Covid vaccine rollout

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Our top 5 Christmas movies

What we reviewed

Christmas is our favourite festival and the most favourite time of the year. There is magic in the air. Feelings of love and care....

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Teen arrested over church fire

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A 16-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of arson after a fire caused significant damage to an ancient church in a village in...

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Christians killed in Indonesia

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Four Salvation Army members were killed – one of them beheaded – in an ambush on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island. The killers...

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Pro-lifer wins payout, apology

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A Catholic pro-life midwifery student, who faced suspension from midwifery studies and a fitness-to-practise investigation, has won an...

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