8 September 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
1 September 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
Some mountains are to be spoken to. But some have to be climbed, with the Lord’s help. For both situations, you and I need the Word...
25 August 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
Many people want blessings from Jesus, but few want to follow His heart. Obey Him in everything. We may look at God as a killjoy who wants...
18 August 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
11 August 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
It’s amazing how much our thoughts and words have the power to build and to destroy. Both ourselves and others. There is a reason why the...
4 August 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
Why do some of us go on and on about JESUS? The best love you can ever experience is the love of Jesus and the best friend you can have...
21 July 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
14 July 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
Your life is not about you alone. God created us to saturate ourselves with God’s love and then pass Christ’s love on to people...
7 July 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
This is for the weary ones out there. The dear ones who have tarried and persisted but still see no visible change in your situation. May...
30 June 2024• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare