Tag: Faith

Isaiah 66

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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Forever mom-entoes

Editor’s Notes

It is the month marking Mother’s Day and one word that we hear – gushed out by family, friends and strangers – is...

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Make friends with God

Divine Reflections

I love semantics. As a writer, verbal sparring often leaves me gasping for breath, but, give me a paper and a pen (and a dictionary,...

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Mark 5

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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Thank God for ALL things

Divine Reflections

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, thank you, that would suffice. ” ~Meister Eckhart This morning, I went to...

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1 John 2:3-11

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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