Tag: Faith

Freedom, empowerment etc.

Editor’s Notes • One Comment

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Beat temptation with Scripture

Divine Reflections

Have you ever wondered why retail and grocery stores place items such as magazines, candy and trinkets near or in the checkout line? It is...

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Prayer for those struggling with their weight

Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Lord Jesus, we pray for the obese, those who are underweight and those with eating disorders. Lord, correct our metabolism and bring...

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What we reviewed

The Kendrick brothers have used the medium of cinema to tackle a prominent cultural issue – marriages on a rocky road and couples on the...

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Unveiling the Father in the Son

Divine Reflections

“Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves” (John...

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Prayer for true freedom

Daily Prayers • One Comment

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Kerala Police App (Pol-App)

What we reviewed

When Kerala Police posed a challenge to the followers of their Facebook page – to help them achieve the target of 1 million likes...

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Living with a prodigal child?

Divine Reflections

Most Christian parents have this dream – their children will follow the Lord and serve Him. No one ever hopes their child will be...

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