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Prayer for the unemployedPrayer for the unemployed

Prayer for the unemployed

Lord Jesus, You are the Lord our God - our provider and our sustainer. Today we pray for those who…

5 years ago
1 Corinthians 131 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua…

5 years ago
Prayer against natural calamitiesPrayer against natural calamities

Prayer against natural calamities

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You every place on earth that is facing a natural calamity right now. Son…

5 years ago
Facing Brook Besor momentsFacing Brook Besor moments

Facing Brook Besor moments

I believe that all Christians one day face something Max Lucado referred to as a Brook Besor moment. When even…

5 years ago
Seek the Holy Spirit’s anointingSeek the Holy Spirit’s anointing

Seek the Holy Spirit’s anointing

Abba Father, We love You. Lord Jesus, today we pray that Your power fills us and flows over us like…

5 years ago