Tag: God

Why should we praise God?

Divine Reflections

As I woke up this morning thanking the Lord, outside my bedroom window, the sky looked a riot of colours and so beautiful. My hands wrapped...

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Vibrant faith for all seasons

Divine Reflections

I would love to encourage you in your FAITH, as we know this is so needed in this season. Let us take a look at what our Bibles say,...

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Joseph’s tears

Divine Reflections

Trusting God means trusting Him when darkness threatens to defeat what God revealed to you in the light. Trusting God means not knowing...

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The foundation of our faith

Divine Reflections

“In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God; All things were made through him and without him nothing...

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Worried about salvation

Need Counselling?

I often worry about people I know and care about – who have never heard the gospel or are ignorant of Jesus – will they be saved?...

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A believer at any cost…

Divine Reflections

One of the hardest things to do as a believer is to just believe. That – ALL things, not just the good things, but the good and the bad...

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