Tag: God

Take charge of your life

Divine Reflections

Sometimes, it seems life just tosses you around whichever way. It seems as if you are just being swayed around by people, technology,...

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Facing the future with faith

Divine Reflections

You faithful readers know by now  that one of my favourite subjects is Faith. Facing the Future by Faith is true only if the object of our...

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Rejoice, its Christmas

Divine Reflections

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again – rejoice! (Philippians 4.4.) With the negative, fearful and very painful...

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30 things before turning 30

Divine Reflections

So much has been said about what a youth ought to accomplish before turning 30. This is probably because, the commencement of the third...

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What does God want you to do?

Divine Reflections

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Ever wish God would just dangle a heavenly map, like He did...

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Unlocking the enemy’s vice grip

Divine Reflections

I have volunteered for many Christian organisations over the last thirty years, reaching out to individuals who are searching for answers...

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