Tag: health

How to say ‘sorry’ correctly


When in love, we are not always able to stay calm and say the right things, especially if we have an issue within relationships that needs...

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Exodus 20

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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What we reviewed

Revival preacher R.W. Schambach has seen the Lord move in amazing and powerful ways for 50 years. In this brilliant book, he shares story...

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Defending your wife, just right


“Daddy what would you do if someone said something bad about mummy?” My fourteen year old asked me this question last week, just as...

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Power Encounters

What we reviewed

Miracles, signs and wonders can be a normal part of your everyday life. Power Encounters is about that and more. The book is spiritually...

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Run to save lives


“Your daughter has a rare disease. In fact it is so rare that no one else in this country has this disease.” He heard the grim words...

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