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Holy Spirit

Australian TV’s hellish slip-up

A news broadcast on Australian news channel ABC was interrupted after a video of a satan worshipping ceremony was broadcast…

3 years ago

Pope urges vaccines for all

Pope Francis issued an appeal on Wednesday urging people to get inoculated against Covid-19, saying the vaccines could bring an…

3 years ago

Monday Reflection – Aug 23

It is amazing how even followers of Christ - the epitome of love - can block love. They resist love…

3 years ago

Churches aid Afghan refugees

More than 100 churches from across the UK have joined forces to help Afghan refugees settle in the country. Christian…

3 years ago

Prison for Bible verse display

Christians are being urged to pray for a Cuban churchgoer who has been threatened with a prison sentence if he…

3 years ago

Prayer for Afghanistan

All-loving God, Your hands have fashioned every corner of our beautiful planet and today we pray for the lovely land…

3 years ago

Church sign vandalised

A church in Louisiana has been vandalised after posting messages on their front sign asking others to get vaccinated. First…

3 years ago

Monday Reflection – Aug 16

Satan seeks to constantly ruin relationships and - your prayer life in the process. He made them think that about…

3 years ago

589 baptised in one weekend

"What a day. 589 people stepped forward in faith to be baptised across all of our campuses this morning, proclaiming…

3 years ago

Luke 1:46-50

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua…

3 years ago

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