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Holy Spirit

Biden faces Communion ban

Roman Catholic bishops in the US have voted to press ahead with moves that could result in Joe Biden being banned from…

4 years ago

Monday Reflection – June 21

The more you move closer to someone, the more you hear and understand their voices, even their silence. Same with…

4 years ago

What makes a great father?

Though we've talked about our fathers before, we hope that you don't mind us doing so again. When I talk…

4 years ago

Matthew 7

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’. Joshua…

4 years ago

Prayer against abortion

Eternal God, You have revealed Yourself as the Father of all Life. We praise You for the fatherly care which…

4 years ago

Missing missionary found safe

A missing Christian mission worker Tyson Bradley, from London City Mission, has been found safe and well. Bradley was reported…

4 years ago

Monday Reflection – June 14

The real test of faith is in handling the silence when God places you on “hold” and praising Him in…

4 years ago

How to really worship God?

What do the following have in common: watching reality shows; trying to eradicate stinkbugs; running as a third-party candidate; convincing…

4 years ago

Four jailed for Rolex killing

Two men and two teenagers have been jailed for kicking a man to death for his 11k gold Rolex watch…

4 years ago

Psalm 27

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua…

4 years ago

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