Father God, We praise You for Jesus’ example on this earth. We know that You are purposeful in the plan…
Eight people were killed in a village in central Nigeria after gunmen burned down a church and torched a farming…
Hmm, a sigh escaped me as I penned down this inspired message. Never in my more than three decades of…
Fight the good fight of faith. That's the only fight we have to fight. Not your neighbour, boss or spouse.…
Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, the senior-most member of the Catholic Church in Myanmar, has denounced an attack by Myanmar’s army…
Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’. Joshua…
A Catholic bishop, seven priests and several seminarians have been arrested in China's Hebei Province. The priests, along with an…
If you have read The Cross and the Switchblade, you would remember the angry young man who spat on Pastor…
A group of Islamic extremists ambushed, opened fire and killed 15 people during a baptism celebration in Burkina Faso. The…
God's people lived in tents for forty years - they picked up and followed whenever God's glory was manifested -…
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