Tag: India

Actor credits God for sobriety

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Award-winning actor and former atheist Sir Anthony Hopkins is celebrating 45 years of sobriety after a miraculous intervention. In 1975, a...

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500-year-old church trashed

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Thousands of pounds has been raised to repair a church that was trashed during an illegal New Year party. Hundreds of revellers attended...

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Boko Haram attacks Christians

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Boko Haram jihadists killed at least 11 people, burnt a church and seized a priest on Christmas Eve in Nigeria’s restive northeast,...

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Nashville suspect died in blast

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The 63-year-old suspect in the bombing that rocked Nashville on Christmas Day morning was killed in the blast that destroyed his motor home...

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Vatican okays Covid vaccine use

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The Vatican has urged Catholics to get vaccinated against coronavirus. There’s some concern among Catholics about the vaccine as...

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Couple hid in church 843 days

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An immigrant couple who fled gang violence in Jamaica emerged from a Philadelphia church basement Monday after spending 843 days hiding...

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