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Jesus Christ

Monday Reflection – July 8

This is for the weary ones out there. The dear ones who have tarried and persisted but still see no…

3 months ago

Fire kills pastor, family

A pastor, two of his daughters and three of his granddaughters have died in a Wisconsin house fire, authorities and…

3 months ago

Monday Reflection – July 1

Look closely at your life and check what's affecting your walk with God the most. Tackle the root. Then the…

3 months ago

Delhi airport pillars collapse

At least one person died and six others were injured after a portion of the roof at of New Delhi's…

3 months ago

Pope opens war trauma centre

The Vatican has announced the opening of a war trauma rehabilitation centre this month in Ukraine named after St. John…

3 months ago

Dagestan death toll rises

The death toll from a series of brazen attacks on churches and synagogues in Russia rose to 20, after gunmen…

3 months ago

Monday Reflection – June 24

A terrifying storm on the Sea of Galilee. Raging winds and waves. The Son of God was asleep in the…

3 months ago

Deuteronomy 7

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua…

3 months ago

US Southern Baptists vote against IVF

Southern Baptists, USA's largest Protestant denomination, has voted to oppose the use of in vitro fertilisation. The move signals that…

4 months ago

Monday Reflection – June 17

Let nothing temporal affect your relationship with GOD. Earthy things should not challenge your eternity. Your doctrine should not be…

4 months ago

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