Tag: Jesus Christ

Mum life: sweet or bitter?

Divine Reflections

Since inception of creation of man, a woman is designed to fill an enviable vacuum in God’s own plan for human race. She is a good...

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Two popes meet in Vatican

In the News

The Vatican on Wednesday witnessed two popes share the limelight in St Peter’s Square – Pope Francis and His Holiness Pope...

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Monday Reflection – May 8

Spiritual Warfare

This is for the ones who are in pain, in struggle and in constant battles that do not seem to end. Some battles end the moment we turn to...

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Churches torched in Manipur

In the News

An outbreak of communal violence in India’s north-eastern state of Manipur has killed 13 people and destroyed several churches,...

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Man arrested over Covid masks

In the News

A preacher has been arrested in Yunnan, southwest China for distributing coronavirus masks with bible verses on them. Chang Hao, who runs a...

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Monday Reflection – May 1

Spiritual Warfare

They say the two most important days in life are – the day you were born and the day you find out why. To me, work is reporting for...

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