Tag: Jesus Christ

2 Thessalonians 2

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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Drummer’s leg amputated

In the News

A Tennessee-based church is calling for prayers as one of its members, former Casting Crowns drummer Andy Williams, recently had his leg...

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Missionaries die in plane crash

In the News

All six people on board a private plane, including two Americans missionaries, were killed when the aircraft crashed in Haiti, southwest of...

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Pope recovering from surgery

In the News

Pope Francis has eaten breakfast, read newspapers and taken a walk as he continues to recover from intestinal surgery, the Vatican said. It...

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Plane crashes in Philippines

In the News

A Philippine military plane with 96 soldiers and crew members aboard crashed on the southern island of Jolo, officials said. The Lockheed...

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Monday Reflection – July 5

Spiritual Warfare

To keep silent can be a hard lesson for some of us. When people malign us, when they put spokes in our ministry, when people gossip or when...

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