Tag: Jesus Christ

Stay positive in God

Divine Reflections

There are times in our lives when we go through negative experiences. Some may call it trials, some call it temptations, however it is...

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Vatican will not ‘punish staff’

In the News

The Vatican has clarified that it is promoting vaccinations but ‘will not punish’ those who decline them. A Feb. 8 decree...

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Psalm 84

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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God’s Not Dead

What we reviewed

God’s Not Dead is an American Christian drama film directed by Harold Cronk and starring Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David A. R. White...

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Women’s Day Reflection

Spiritual Warfare

A woman’s heart should be the most beautiful part of her. Be the bestest version of who God created you to be. Dare to be different. You...

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Church wants ‘devil’ song out

In the News

The Orthodox Church of Cyprus has called for the country’s Eurovision entry to be withdrawn, citing concern over its content. The...

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