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Why leave the church?

The church in modern times faces a huge challenge: many people leave the church. I often come across conversations such…

4 years ago


From time immemorial, we have seen how men have embraced asceticism as a pathway to God. Especially now in this…

4 years ago

Is dating Christians different?

As we go through life, from time to time we all realise that we meet people of different backgrounds etc.…

4 years ago

Seeking intimacy with God?

Knowing these things will help you have true intimacy with the God of Heaven and earth that created and sustains…

4 years ago

Believe and you will receive

God has gone to great lengths to purchase us back from Satan and eternal death, and to give us Eternal…

4 years ago


Overcomer is a faith-based sports drama from Christian filmmaker Alex Kendrick, who also stars. Kendrick's work improves with every film,…

4 years ago

Why pleas remain unanswered

Before the Passover meal, Jesus came to know that it was time for Him to leave this world and go…

4 years ago

The Happiest People On Earth

All of us have a list of must-read books and then some books which we go back to whenever we…

4 years ago

12 meanings of ‘Forgiven’

The classic artwork 'Forgiven' by Thomas Blackshear paints a picture of forgiveness like no artist has ever done before. It…

4 years ago

Friends today, foes tomorrow?

People's hearts are filled by the common enemy of mankind - the devil, at different times, stages or levels and…

4 years ago

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