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Just like Mary

Mother Mary has a unique distinction given to her in the Word of God. A person who was called ‘favoured’…

4 years ago

Luminous Radio – online

Luminous Radio aims to evangelise by bringing you the Word of God in English and in four Indian languages –…

4 years ago

Leaning on the chest of Jesus

Our hearts are complicated and fascinating. If we listened more regularly to their beats, we would all be gentler with…

5 years ago

Beat temptation with Scripture

Have you ever wondered why retail and grocery stores place items such as magazines, candy and trinkets near or in…

5 years ago


The Kendrick brothers have used the medium of cinema to tackle a prominent cultural issue – marriages on a rocky…

5 years ago

Unveiling the Father in the Son

“Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then…

5 years ago

Kerala Police App (Pol-App)

When Kerala Police posed a challenge to the followers of their Facebook page - to help them achieve the target…

5 years ago

Living with a prodigal child?

Most Christian parents have this dream - their children will follow the Lord and serve Him. No one ever hopes…

5 years ago

The joy of re-reading classics

Most of us – at least those of us who are keen on reading – are often 'forced' to go…

5 years ago

Do you speak like Jesus?

“Never has anyone spoken like this” (John 7:46) Thus said the soldiers who were assigned to bring Jesus for judgement,…

5 years ago

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