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What does God want you to do?

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Ever wish God would just dangle a…

3 years ago

Hidden Treasure in Suffering

Basilea Schlink was one the most significant prophetic voices of her day. Her love for Jesus has blessed innumerable lives.…

3 years ago

Unlocking the enemy’s vice grip

I have volunteered for many Christian organisations over the last thirty years, reaching out to individuals who are searching for…

3 years ago

Journey into the Miraculous

Do you want to believe in miracles? There will be no doubt in your mind after reading the testimonies of…

3 years ago

Dealing with past sins

Sin, is the most formidable enemy of man, much more powerful than death itself. Sin, an ignominious enemy of humanity…

3 years ago


The story of Martin Luther, the Catholic priest who stood up to the Pope and the church hierarchy in the…

3 years ago

Prison to Praise

Merlin R. Carothers' unique concept of “praise in all things” brings results that can only be termed miraculous. Merlin may…

3 years ago

How to cope in a fallen world

Why is it so hard for us to often see the clear handwriting on the wall? We seem to struggle…

3 years ago

The Anointing of His Spirit

Smith Wigglesworth was a man whom was putty in God's hands and he preached and taught God's Word, giving all…

4 years ago

Using the Bible as a filter

In 2 Timothy 3:16, the apostle Paul says something about the purpose of the Bible: “All Scripture is inspired by…

4 years ago

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