Tag: love


What we reviewed

Overcomer is a faith-based sports drama from Christian filmmaker Alex Kendrick, who also stars. Kendrick’s work improves with every...

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Why pleas remain unanswered

Divine Reflections

Before the Passover meal, Jesus came to know that it was time for Him to leave this world and go and be with His Father. Having loved His...

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12 meanings of ‘Forgiven’

What we reviewed

The classic artwork ‘Forgiven’ by Thomas Blackshear paints a picture of forgiveness like no artist has ever done before. It has...

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Friends today, foes tomorrow?

Divine Reflections

People’s hearts are filled by the common enemy of mankind – the devil, at different times, stages or levels and for various...

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What is your real name?

Divine Reflections

Almost every Christian on the planet can rattle off, “I’m saved by grace through faith.” Almost every Christian on the planet gets up...

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Why is there suffering?

Divine Reflections

A mother was asking God where He was when her son died. She came to see that God’s Son died too. God suffers too – He...

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